TikTok Growth Strategy: 4 Viral Hashtag Methods 

Tiktok growth strategy

If you’ve been feeling like your videos aren’t getting the love they deserve lately, I’ve got some good news for you. It’s probably not your content – it’s your hashtags. I know hashtags seem so basic and often overlooked. But trust me, they’re the secret sauce to TikTok’s success.

After countless hours of digging into the latest TikTok trends, I uncovered four killer hashtag strategies that are absolutely effective.

TikTok Hashtag Basics

Before we get things rolling, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about TikTok hashtags. There are three main types you need to know:

1. Trending Hashtags: These are the hot topics of the moment. They show up on the Discover page and can give your content a major boost – if you use them right.

2. Niche-Specific Hashtags: These are tailored to your content. If you’re all about baseball, think #MLB, #BaseballLife, or #PitchingTips.

3. Broad Hashtags: These are the catch-all tags like #FYP, #ForYou, or #TikTokTrends. They cast a wide net but can be hit-or-miss.

Finding the right balance of these hashtag types is the silver bullet. It’s like we have in cooking, too much of any one ingredient can ruin the dish. But get the mix just right, and you’ve got a recipe for TikTok success.

Strategy 1: The 3-2 Split

This is my go-to strategy for most posts. Here’s how it works:

  • Use 3 niche-specific hashtags
  • Add 2 broad hashtags

Why does this work so well? The niche tags help TikTok understand exactly what your content is about, while the broad tags give it permission to show your video to a wider audience.

For example, if I’m posting a video about my morning coffee routine, I might use:

#CoffeeAddict #LatteArt #MorningBrew #FYP #TikTokTrends

This combo tells TikTok, “Hey, this is content for coffee lovers, but it might appeal to a broader audience too!”

Pro tip: Don’t make the mistake of adding the first hashtags that come to mind. Take a few minutes to research popular tags in your niche. Look at what successful creators in your field are using. It’s a small effort that can make a big difference.

You can follow these 6 steps:

1. Find 3-5 popular TikTok creators in your niche with a similar target audience.

2. Analyze by looking at the hashtags they use in their recent videos (last 10 posts).

3. Note the hashtags that appear most frequently in their content.

4. Use TikTok’s “Discover” page to search for hashtags in your niche and see which ones are suggested by TikTok.

5. Check hashtag challenges, and Look for popular challenges related to your niche and use the associated hashtags.

6. Websites like Tokboard or Hashtagify allow you to search for popular TikTok hashtags.

Strategy 2: The Niche-Specific Six

Sometimes, you want to go all-in on your target audience. That’s where the Niche-Specific Six comes in:

  • Use 6 hashtags that are all related to your content niche
  • Focus on the most popular tags within your area

This strategy is great when you’re trying to establish yourself as an expert in your field. It helps TikTok show your content to people who are most likely to be interested.

The catch is – you need to use the right niche tags. And by “right,” I mean the ones with the most views. Do a quick search on TikTok for your topic and see which hashtags are getting the most action.

For instance, if I’m doing a video about home workouts, I might use:

#HomeWorkout #FitnessMotivation #BodyweightExercises #NoGymNoProblem #FitnessTips #30DayChallenge

Each of these tags has millions of views, which tells TikTok there’s a big audience for this content.

On the other hand, let’s talk about what NOT to do. I see so many creators making these hashtag mistakes:

1. Using irrelevant tags: If your video is about cooking, don’t throw in #FitnessGoals just because it’s popular. TikTok will see right through that.

2. Ignoring trends: If there’s a trending hashtag that genuinely fits your content, use it! But don’t force it if it doesn’t make sense.

3. Using the same tags every time: Mix it up! TikTok likes variety.

4. Forgetting hashtags altogether: Yes, some videos go viral without tags. But why make it harder on yourself?

Strategy 3: The Balanced Ten

This strategy is all about covering all your bases. Here’s the breakdown:

  • 4 broad hashtags
  • 6 niche-specific hashtags

This approach gives you the best of both worlds. You’re signaling to TikTok exactly what your content is about while also giving it the green light to show your video to a diverse audience.

The trick with this strategy is to have a good hashtag bank. I keep a notes file on my phone with about 50 hashtags related to my niche. Every time I post, I mix and match from this list.

For example, if I’m posting a video about budget travel tips, I might use:

#TravelOnABudget #BudgetTravel #BackpackingTips #CheapTravel #TravelHacks #BudgetDestinations #FYP #ForYou #TikTokTravel #ViralVideo

See how I’m covering both specific travel topics and broader TikTok tags? It’s all about balance.

One more tip: Pay attention to which combinations seem to work best for you. TikTok’s algorithm is complex, and what works for one creator might not work for another. That’s why testing is so important (more on that later!).

Strategy 4: The Lean Four

Now, this strategy might surprise you. Sometimes, less is more. The Lean Four approach uses:

  • 4 niche-specific hashtags
  • No broad tags

This strategy can be incredibly powerful, especially for smaller accounts. Why? Because it helps TikTok understand exactly who should see your content.

I’ve seen creators go from a few hundred followers to tens of thousands using this approach. It’s all about laser-focusing on your target audience.

For instance, if I’m creating content about houseplants, I might use:

#PlantParenthood #HouseplantClub #PlantCare #UrbanJungle

By using only these targeted tags, I’m telling TikTok, “Show this to plant lovers and only plant lovers.” It might seem counterintuitive, but this narrow focus can lead to higher engagement rates, which in turn can help your video perform better overall.

Advanced Hashtag Techniques

Aside from the above four main strategies, there are other advanced techniques to really up your hashtag game.

First up: spying on your competitors. Don’t worry, it’s totally legal! Here’s what you do:

1. Go to your TikTok Studio

2. Click on “Recommended”

3. Look at the posts and creators your audience is engaging with

4. Check out what hashtags they’re using

This gives you invaluable insight into what’s working in your niche right now.

There’s this awesome free website (I won’t name it here, but it’s easy to find) that lets you analyze any TikTok account. You can see their most-used hashtags, best-performing posts, and even what time they’re posting. There are literally more than 10 free tools that can do this for you, a simple Google search will pull them up.

Speaking of timing, that’s another crucial factor. The best hashtags in the world won’t help if no one’s online to see your post. Use the insights from the websites you find to figure out when your top-performing posts are going live. Then, try to post at those times consistently.

In addition to this, you have to ride the momentum. That means If you have a post that’s doing well, try to post similar content with similar hashtags soon after. TikTok loves consistency, and this can help you build on your success.

Testing and Optimizing Your Hashtag Strategy

All these techniques and strategies might seem like a lot. But the trust is, you don’t have to get it perfect right away. You shouldn’t expect to. 

The key to making the most out of all I have shared is testing and optimizing. Here’s what I recommend:

1. Pick a 7-10 day period for testing

2. Use a different hashtag strategy for each post during this time

3. Keep track of how each post performs (views, likes, comments, shares)

4. At the end of the testing period, analyze which strategy worked best for you

What works for me might not work for you. Your audience is unique, and your hashtag strategy should be too.

Once you’ve found a strategy that seems to work, stick with it for a few weeks. But don’t get complacent! TikTok is always changing, so it’s a good idea to do another round of testing every month or so.

TikTok Success Beyond Hashtags

I don’t want you to walk away thinking that hashtags are the be-all and end-all of TikTok’s success. They’re important, for sure, but they’re just one piece of the puzzle.

At the end of the day, content is king. The best hashtag strategy in the world can’t save a boring video. Focus on creating content that’s engaging, entertaining, or informative (or ideally, all three!).

Also, pay attention to what TikTok’s algorithm seems to favor. Right now, that’s:

  • Videos between 21-34 seconds long
  • Content that uses popular sounds or music
  • Posts that encourage engagement (comments, shares, etc.)

Consistency is also key. Try to post at least once a day if you can. And don’t forget to engage with your audience! Respond to comments, participate in trends, and be an active member of the TikTok community.

Your TikTok Hashtag Gameplan

Bringing it all together, this should be your action plan for TikTok hashtag domination:

1. Start with the 3-2 Split strategy

2. Test out the other strategies over a 7-10 day period

3. Analyze your results and stick with what works best

4. Use advanced techniques to refine your approach

5. Remember to focus on content quality and consistency

6. Rinse and repeat! Keep testing and optimizing

TikTok is always evolving, and so should your strategy. But with these tools in your arsenal, you’re well-equipped to ride the waves of change and come out on top.

I’d love to hear how these strategies work for you! Drop a comment on this post or reach out to me directly. And if you found this helpful, why not share it with your fellow TikTok creators? Let’s all grow together!

Side note: TikTok success doesn’t happen overnight. It requires persistence, creativity, and using the right mix of hashtags. These 3 combine would definitely speed up the process. 

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