How to Humanize Your AI-Generated Content for Better SEO Rankings

how to Humanize Your AI-Generated Content for Better SEO Rankings

After several days of trying numerous hacks I found on YouTube and TikTok, I was able to put together some effective strategies for making AI-generated content sound more human and rank higher on Google.

And I’m excited to share with you exactly how I’ve used these methods to humanize my content, avoid AI detectors and consistently rank my pages at the top of search results.

I want to begin by addressing – why anyone should bother humanizing AI content in the first place?

Well, there are a few key reasons to consider:

  1. Your content will rank better. humanized AI content gives you a much better chance of snagging those coveted top spots on Google.
  2. Saves you a ton of time. By using the right prompts and methods, you can churn out high-quality, human-like content way faster than writing it all from scratch. This means more content, more rankings, and more traffic for your site.
  3. It future-proofs your AI SEO strategy. With more people hopping on the ChatGPT bandwagon, taking steps to make your content feel authentic and engaging will give you a competitive edge and help your rankings stand the test of time.

Now that we’ve established the “why,” let’s dive into the “how.”

These are my five simple but effective methods for humanizing your AI content, along with step-by-step instructions.

Method 1: The “Imagine You’re Crafting Content” Prompt

One of my go-to prompts is this one: “Imagine you’re crafting content for a website that needs to rank well on Google, but also deeply connect with readers.”

Here’s why it works: instead of just asking ChatGPT to spit out some generic content, you’re guiding it to consider both SEO and human engagement. It’s a simple tweak, but it makes a world of difference.

To use this method, follow these steps:

  1. Put in your target keyword at the top of the ChatGPT interface (I recommend using GPT-4 if you have access, but regular ChatGPT works too).
  2. Paste the “imagine you’re crafting content” prompt underneath.
  3. Let ChatGPT work its magic!

The content you get back will be much more natural-sounding, with a better flow and less fluff. It might not be 100% perfect, but a little editing can make it even better.

Method 2: Inject Personality with Your “About Me” Page

Another way to humanize your AI content is by infusing it with your own unique voice and story. An easy way to do this is by feeding ChatGPT information from your “About Me” page.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Copy and paste the content from your “About Me” page into ChatGPT.
  2. Give it a prompt like “Based on this information about me, create an article about why I’m the best [your niche] speaker.”
  3. For an extra human touch, add the prompt from Method 1 underneath.

What you’ll get back is content that feels personal and authentic to you. You can take it a step further by training ChatGPT on your video transcripts or other content you’ve created. The more it “learns” about you, the more it can emulate your voice. You can see the video below on how to train your custom GPT. [Suggest internal link to a relevant blog post or video]

Method 3: Fine-Tune with Custom Instructions

If you really want to level up your AI content, try adding custom instructions in the ChatGPT interface. You can find this option by clicking on your name in the bottom left, then “Customize ChatGPT.”

In the “How would you like ChatGPT to respond?” section, you can paste in a condensed version of the humanizing prompt from Method 1. This way, every time you use ChatGPT, it will automatically apply that human touch.

The difference is stunning. With the custom instructions, even a basic prompt like “tell me about SEO” yields a response that’s way more engaging and relatable. It might say something like:

“SEO is like the backstage crew of a concert. It’s all about making your website the main act on the search engine stage. Here’s the lowdown, broken into bite-sized pieces…”

Compared to the default ChatGPT response, which tends to be dry and formal, the humanized version is a lot more fun to read.

When I ran both versions through an AI content detector, the humanized one came back as 98% original, while the default was flagged as 100% AI-generated. That’s the power of custom instructions!

Method 4: Train ChatGPT on Your Top-Performing Content

If you want to generate human-like content that really resonates with your audience, try training ChatGPT on your best-performing pieces.

For example, I fed my custom GPT some of my most popular YouTube video titles, and now it cranks out amazing, click-worthy titles in seconds. Same goes for thumbnails – by showing it my top thumbnails, it’s learned to create eye-catching designs that feel authentically “me.”

The proof is in the pudding: four out of my top five videos of all time were made using this ChatGPT method. My latest video racked up 56K views, all thanks to an AI-generated title and thumbnail.

To try this yourself, just gather up your best-performing titles, thumbnails, tweets, or any other content, and use them to create a custom ChatGPT. The more data you feed it, the better it will get at emulating your winning style. [Suggest external link to a tool or resource for creating custom ChatGPT models]

Method 5: The “Short Answer + AI” Combo

My final method is all about structuring your content for maximum impact. Here’s how it works:

  1. Start your article with a short, punchy answer to the main question or topic. This should be 100% original and written by you, showcasing your expertise and trustworthiness (a.k.a. E-A-T in SEO lingo).
  2. Follow up with a unique image, like a headshot or custom graphic, to drive home the point that you’re a real person.
  3. After the short answer, transition into the longer, AI-generated content for readers who want a deep dive.

This format works wonders because it gives readers the best of both worlds: a quick, human-created answer right off the bat, with the option to keep reading for more detail.

I’ve used this method to score tons of featured snippets and rank for super competitive keywords. As long as your short answer satisfies the search intent and your AI content is high-quality and human-like, you’ll be golden.


Let’s recap the five methods we’ve learned for humanizing AI content:

  1. The “Imagine You’re Crafting Content” prompt
  2. Injecting personality with your “About Me” page
  3. Fine-tuning with custom instructions
  4. Training ChatGPT on your top-performing content
  5. The “Short Answer + AI” content combo

I know this might seem a bit like alot, but trust me – it’s worth the effort. By taking the time to make your AI content sound human, you’ll be miles ahead of everyone else just copying and pasting from ChatGPT.

Not only will humanized content help you rank better, but it will also foster deeper connections with your audience. When your writing feels personal and authentic, people are more likely to stick around, engage with your brand, and ultimately become loyal customers.

So what are you waiting for? Pick one of these methods and give it a whirl! And if you want even more juicy tips, be sure to sign up for my newsletter.

I’m living proof that humanized AI content is the secret sauce for SEO success. With a little creativity and strategic prompting, you can harness the power of ChatGPT to create content that both robots and humans will love.

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