13 Psychological Triggers to Make Your Audience Take Action and Buy From You (Marketing Secrets)

Psychological Triggers to Make people buy from you

Marketing is all about understanding human psychology and what motivates people to take action. As marketers, we rely on cognitive biases and psychological triggers to capture attention, build trust, relationships, and influence behavior.

In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through 15 of the most effective psychological triggers and marketing principles you need to know to boost your conversions and sales.

Grab a pen and a notepad, let’s get started!

1. The Halo Effect – First Impression Matters

They say you never get a second chance at a first impression. This psychological trigger is known as the “halo effect” and it has powerful implications for how people perceive your brand over time. Essentially, the first interaction someone has with your business creates an overall “halo” – positive or negative – that colors all future evaluations.

Given how heavily weighted first impressions are, it becomes critical to put your best foot forward from the initial touchpoint. Ensure your website design looks professional, your content is compelling, and your messaging aligns with your target audience.

On the flip side, recovering from a poor first impression usually requires double the effort.

The halo effect magnifies the need to wow people in your introductory interaction with them.

2. The Serial Position Effect – Lead with Your Best

Closely related to the halo effect is the serial position effect. This psychological trigger states that when exposed to a sequence of information, people tend to best recall the first (primacy effect) and last (recency effect) items.

In other words, make sure you lead with your best content up front to grab attention fast. And know that whatever message you end on likely has extra staying power, so be intentional about wrapping up on a high note.

For instance, in this guide, I placed one of my favorite triggers – blind spot bias – toward the end to stick in your memory. I also started strong by highlighting the critical impact of first impressions.

See what I did there?

3. The Mere Exposure Effect – Show Up Often to Boost Brand Trust

One thing you must always keep in mind is that in the marketing world, familiarity builds trust.

The more frequently your brand appears on someone’s radar, the more likely they are to view you as credible and reliable. In psychology, this is called the “mere exposure effect.”

That’s why consistency matters – continually put valuable content in front of your audience across various channels. Not only do such recurring touchpoints boost recall of your messaging, they also make people Know, Trust and Like you or your brand.

However, it’s not enough to merely show up – you need to show up authentically. Build trust by addressing actual pain points instead of hard selling. Build a genuine community and conversations with your followers. Deliver on what you promise. Do this consistently and the exposure effect will produce the desired conversion and sales results.

4. Loss Aversion – Trigger FOMO by Highlighting Scarcity

From limited-edition collectibles to flash sales, scarcity triggers can be highly persuasive in marketing.

The concept of “loss aversion” is that, people are much more motivated to act based on fear of missing out rather than gaining an advantage per se.

Exclusivity is a sign of value. When something is rare or restricted in quantity, our instinct kicks in – “I better act fast before that sold-out stamp appears!”, irrespective of Whether it’s actual or manufactured urgency. This perception of diminished availability convinces people to pull the conversion trigger now…or risk losing out forever.

Just be sure scarcity claims hold weight – fake “only 5 units left!” countdowns erode consumer trust. Time-based constraints work well linking to an upcoming product launch or early bird signup deadline.

Bottom line – help people avoid fear of future regret by emphasizing the exclusivity window to take action is closing.

5. The Compromise Effect – Ease Choice Paralysis with Smart Defaults

Too much choice can be demotivating. Psychologists call this “choice paralysis.” When presented with countless options and criteria to evaluate, people often delay or avoid deciding altogether.

That’s why simplifying menu selections is so powerful. ‘Smart defaults’ positioned as your “most popular” offer will do the cognitive work for your audience, it helps them make decisions faster. For example, if you your offer/product/service has different pricing tiers – ‘economical, standard, & premium pricing plan’, preselecting a “Recommended option” increases the likelihood of more conversions.

Setting up defaults taps into status quo bias as well -People usually stick to the default option because it’s easier than changing it. So, if you set up defaults, you’re using this tendency to your advantage. Also, by removing the unnecessary extra steps, you minimize shopping cart abandonment.

Make things simple for your customers. Break down complicated choices into easy steps that encourage them to take action.

6. Anchor High Prices Early to Increase Perceived Value

An intriguing psychological trigger marketers leverage is the anchoring effect. It’s when they show you a high price first, even if it’s unrealistic. This high price becomes your reference point for comparing other prices.

In other words, when you see a high price first, everything else seems like a “good deal” by contrast. This effect is stronger with decoy pricing, where you show an exaggeratedly expensive offer to make other options appear cheaper and more reasonable.

Suppose you’re selling coaching services at $1000. You could establish a perceived upper limit by anchoring it with a higher decoy price, say $1500 for premium-level coaching. When customers evaluate their options, the original $1000 fee now seems super reasonable, even though nothing changed. You’ve expanded the value perception of your offer relative to the anchor.

7. The Jam Study – Cut Through Choice Overload with Smart Editing

Remember we mentioned choice paralysis under the compromise effect above? Let’s elaborate more on this because it powerfully demonstrates the struggle of choice overload.

Researchers set up a booth where they offered free jam samples. One group saw 6 jam options while another saw 24 types. You might think that more choices would lead to more sales, but it was the opposite. Counterintuitively, more choice meant fewer sales – only 3% bought jam from the 24 sample booth yet 30% purchased when the flavors/options were reduced, even though they liked having more options objectively.

Too many choices will always have an overwhelming effect on the ability to make decisions and take action. It’s hard to decide which jam is the “best” when there are so many options. It’s easier to make a decision when there are fewer choices.

As things become infinitely growing with endless choices to chose from, one way to help people focus is by carefully curating and recommending products from your catalog that meet their needs. You can guide them by organizing your products into relevant categories. For example, you could have a “Bestsellers” list or a “Top Picks for You” playlist. This helps people make decisions by reducing the Cognitive load ( the amount of thinking they have to do).

8. Message Framing – Inspire Action by Framing for Success

Identical scenarios can be perceived positively or negatively depending solely on how it’s presented. This framing technique leverages an insight called “prospect theory” – people react differently to potential gains versus losses.

Skillful message framing emphasizes achievable success rather than avoiding failures. Imagine two doctors telling a patient they have an 80% chance of surviving. The first doctor frames it as “You have an 80% chance of living.” The second less optimistically says, “You have a 20% chance of dying.” Most people feel more hopeful with the first message.

Framing can make a message more or less appealing. This means you have the responsibility of consciously framing your marketing in the best light possible. when you’re marketing something, try to frame it in the best way.

9. The IKEA Effect

When people actively participate in building something, they value it more. This is called the “IKEA effect” because putting together your furniture makes you proud of it.

Brands increase loyalty by incorporating audience input into design decisions, product demonstrations or improving user experience. Something as simple as getting people to share content on social media can prompt this psychological trigger by making them feel partially responsible for spreading ideas they had a hand in shaping.

Essentially, you can increase the perceived value of your offer by letting people have a direct role in bringing it to life. Ask for feedback, work together to create content, offer product samples, and set up referral programs. The more involved your audience is, the more committed they’ll feel.

10. Social Proof – Validate Decisions through Shared Experience

When feeling uncertain, people look to others for behavioral cues. Informally known as herd mentality, this psychological tendency is formally called social proof in influence practices.

Most people assume their decision-making is rational and independent, but it’s largely socially driven, for better or worse. This is why customer testimonials, user-generated content and online reviews dramatically impact conversion rates – by demonstrating social proof that resonates with our innate cognitive bias.

When people observe others similar to themselves pursuing something, they reflexively feel prompted to mimic that choice.

In your marketing content and materials, highlight satisfied customer stories. Curate video case studies of successful transformations by people identifiable to your audience. Publish credible industry endorsements and media features reinforcing your brand’s credibility. Spotlighting positive feedback that shows others trust and value what you’re offering, help people feel more confident in choosing it.

11. The Bandwagon EffectLead the Herd with Social Endorsements

Closely tied to social proof, the bandwagon effect accelerates herd mentality by leveraging FOMO. It is a social behavior where people do something mainly because others are doing it. It’s like when you see a long line at a store and you feel like you’re missing out if you don’t join in.

Humans don’t like to feel left out amplified by bandwagon triggers. That’s why phrases like “Join now before it’s full!” or “Sale ends soon, get it before it’s gone!” create social pressure and make us want to act quickly. These messages make us feel like everyone else is already taking action and we should too, so we don’t miss out.

It’s important to mention that your bandwagon cues should be credible rather than manipulative. You can include them subtly in your website or ads. Phrases like “As featured in XYZ” or “The #1 brand chosen by consumers” show that other people trust and prefer your product. This way, you’re not forcing people to follow the crowd, but showing them that your product is a good choice.

The bandwagon effect is a social behavior where people do something mainly because others are doing it.

12. The Pygmalion Effect

The Pygmalion effect states that having a higher expectation of others brings out greater performance from them. In other words, if we expect more from people, it causes them to do better.

It’s also called a “self-fulfilling prophecy”, people subconsciously live up or down to projections placed on them.

This idea is not just important in personal relationships or managing employees, but it’s equally powerful for customer orientation. If you believe your audience is capable, they’ll be motivated to meet those expectations.

A simple way to apply this is by giving positive encouragement like “I know you can do this” instead of saying “This might be difficult”. Guide people through optimism and self-confidence rather than undermining tone.

People prefer to be seen through the lens of being capable, reciprocate this and the Pygmalion effect will reward you.

13. Confirmation Bias – Affirm Existing Perspectives

You’ve likely noticed People often prefer information that supports their existing beliefs and ignore what doesn’t. Psychologists call this tendency “confirmation bias.” We selectively self-validate our ideas and assumptions.

This is why it’s hard to change someone’s mind with direct arguments. A better way is to gently introduce new ideas that are somewhat related to their existing beliefs. Start by finding a common understanding, then slowly introduce new concepts.

When it comes to marketing, it’s more effective to first acknowledge your audience’s current beliefs. Speak to who they are before suggesting who they could become, without directly threatening their existing identity. The confirmation approach opens the mind of your target audience to alternatives.

Here’s a bonus Psychological trigger;

14. Zero Risk Bias – Guarantee Safety from Risk

Fear of potential unknowns paralyzes people more than what is well-defined. We have an irrational preference for eliminating uncertainty entirely.

Smart marketers directly address this tendency for “zero risk” preferences with things like easy return policies, trial periods, rebates (cashback offers) and satisfaction guarantees. Even if there’s no real safety net, brands that seem stable and transparent, can make people feel more at ease psychologically.

People are especially cautious and express higher levels of risk aversion when it comes to expensive purchases or new types of products they’re not familiar with. To overcome this, it’s worth it to put a lot of effort into good customer service and reaching out to customers directly to reassure them via your brand’s social media channels. Helping customers feel comfortable with something new – can do more to reduce their uncertainty than any written guarantee.


There are obviously other cognitive biases and psychological triggers not mentioned here. But in general, this post covered the core principles that are useful for your marketing campaigns. Hopefully, the examples we shared give you a picture of how these mental reflexes unconsciously shape our daily decisions.

Observe and spot these principles when you’re shopping or browsing online. Pay attention to things like limited-time offers that make you fear missing out(FOMO), or how a well-presented product can make other items seem cheaper in comparison.

Most importantly, use this guide to better understand why people act the way they do when these mental influences are at play. Gaining this understanding and becoming more aware of how these psychological triggers affect people’s decision-making process, would make a lot of difference in your conversions and sales.

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